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The website uses cookies. By using the website and accepting this policy, you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy.

Cookies are files, often including unique identifiers, that web servers send to web browsers that may be returned to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server.

Web servers may use cookies to identify and track users as they navigate to different pages of a website and to identify returning users to a website.


We use session cookies and persistent cookies on the site. Cookies can be "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies. a coopersistent kie consists of a text file sent by a web server to a web browser that will be stored by the browser and will remain valid until the set expiration date (unless the user deletes it before the expiration date). A session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user's session, when the web browser is closed.




Cookies do not contain any information that personally identifies you, but the personal information we store about you may be linked, by us, to the information stored in and obtained from cookies. Cookies used on the site include those that are strictly necessary for access and navigation cookies, cookies that track usage (performance cookies), remember your choices (functionality cookies) and cookies that you provide withhad or targeted advertising.


We may use the information that we obtain from your use of our cookies for the following purposes:

  • To recognize your computer when you visit the website

  • To keep up with you as you browse the website and to enable the use of all e-commerce facilities

  • To improve the usability of the site.

  • Analyze site usage

  • In site administration

  • To personalize the Website for you, including targeted advertisements that may be of particular interest to you.




By using the website, you may also send third-party cookies.

Our advertisers and service providers may send you cookies. They may use the information they obtain from your use of their cookies:

  • To track your browser across various websites

  • To create a profile of your web browsing

  • Target advertisements that may be of particular interest to you.




Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies. For example:

  • In Internet Explorer, you can reject all cookies by clicking on "Tools", "Internet Options", "Privacy" and selecting "Block all cookies" with the slider;

  • In Firefox, you can block all cookies by clicking "Tools", "Options" and checking "Accept cookies from sites" in the "Privacy" area.

  • In Google Chrome, you can adjust your cookie permissions by clicking "Options", "Advanced", Content Settings in the "Privacy" section. Click on the Cookies tab in the content settings.

  • In Safari, you can block cookies by clicking on "Preferences", selecting the "Privacy" tab and "Block Cookies".

  • However, blocking all cookies will negatively affect the usability of many websites. If you block cookies, you may not be able to use certain functions of the site (login, access to content, use of search functions).




You can also delete cookies that are already stored on your computer:

  • In Internet Explorer, you must manually delete cookie files;

  • In Firefox, you can delete cookies by making sure cookies should be deleted when you "clear private data" (this setting can be changed by clicking "Tools", "Options" and "Settings" under "Private Data"), then do Click on "Clear Private Data" in the "Tools" menu.

  • In Google Chrome, you can adjust your cookie permissions by clicking "Options", "Advanced", Content Settings in the "Privacy" section. Click on the Cookies tab in the content settings.

  • In Safari, you can delete cookies by clicking on "Preferences", selecting the "Privacy" tab and "Delete all site data".

Obviously, this could negatively affect the usability of many websites.

La Galería de Arte Nika es un nuevo espacio de arte ubicado en Málaga, justo en la orilla del mar. Las salas están perfectamente diseñadas para exhibir diferentes objetos de arte y objetos de decoración artesanos.

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